How To Get Paid After A Car Accident

Wouldn't it be great if you had a list of rules to follow for everything? Unfortunately, life is not that simple. However, legal matters are another matter. The below rules will help you if you have been involved in a car accident with a careless driver. Follow the rules and you won't make any silly mistakes and you might be paid the compensation you deserve. 

  1. Get medical treatment, regardless of how you feel after an accident. If you are not hurt or cannot prove you are hurt using medical records, you don't have a personal injury case at all. If you don't go to the doctor after the accident but later develop some issues, go right away.
  2. Don't speak to others about the accident. Every time you retell the story about the accident, you probably add and leave off certain details. While that normally would not matter much, it does with a personal injury case. Your accounts must remain consistent to the letter. You are not required to speak to the other driver's insurer, so don't do it. Call your own insurer, however.
  3. Do not agree to a settlement without a lawyer's help. Most accident victims have a vague idea of what they are owed, and those victims often accept an offer that is far too low. Your personal injury lawyer will do their job and stop you from accepting a low-ball offer that is not enough to pay for your damages. Don't sign anything you get from the other side.
  4. Listen to your lawyer. Personal injury lawyers have experience with car accident cases, and they know what you should expect. All accidents are different so keep your expectations in line with reality by listening to your lawyer. You both will determine how much you are owed based on your own expenses and losses. Trying to get more than that will tie your case up for months. Be sure, also, to keep your lawyer informed about your medical condition and more. Email them when you go to the doctor and let them know about your health status. Your lawyer may ask you to undergo a special medical exam to determine if you are ready to make a claim for your medical expenses.
  5. Hang on to everything. You may not realize the importance of a slip of paper at this time, but it could mean a lot eventually. Keep up with your medical bills and receipts, correspondence from both insurers, accident reports, and more. Organize your papers in a folder for quick and easy access. 

To learn more, speak to a personal injury lawyer, such as Todd East Attorney at Law.

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Tips for Living a Healthy Financial Life

Have you ever felt like you were running in circles? After filing for my second bankruptcy, I felt that way. It seemed like I was stuck and could not figure out how to get on the right road to financial health. As I stood outside of the courtroom after my debts were discharged, I decided that I would never again be in that position. I started researching online and found that so many others were in the same predicament. I knew then that I not only had to help myself, but also others. I created this site to help others get out of debt and stay that way.



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