If you have been charged with a crime and you discover someone recorded something you said that connected you to the crime, you may have a way out of the case if the recording was done illegally. There are some legalities when it comes to recording someone with the attempt to prove guilt. Here are some things you need to know:
How Does the Law Impact Recordings?
- Divorce is a tricky matter. Child custody is one matter that makes things more difficult. A lot of questions arise when people talk about child custody. Curious about custody in your situation? The answers to these questions may help you figure out your next steps. How Can You Receive Temporary Custody? Getting temporary custody could require you to go to court to fil
- If your driving under the influence (DUI) charge sticks, you may be surprised at the wide array of punishments in store. Even first-time offenders may end up paying thousands of dollars, having to take various classes and attend counseling, and being placed on probation for months. Stopping offenders from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated is of prime importan
- If you've been charged with a DUI, it may be necessary to hire a DUI attorney. They can protect your rights and possibly lessen the punishment of this charge. As long as you remember these tips when hiring said professional, you can improve your odds of coming away with a favorable legal outcome. Assess Level of Commitment One of the most important attributes to
- When a police officer pulls you over and will be issuing a ticket, you might feel like the officer made a mistake when issuing the ticket to you. However, the right time to argue over the ticket isn't when you are speaking with the officer issuing the ticket, but rather in court. In some cases, you might even be charged with a crime. Disorderly Conduct Typically